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Github update for joomla 3.3.0


New Member

In the last couple of days, I installed using the Fabrik package 3.1 (dated 10th Feb 2014) and it installed with a bit of hic-cup of error 400. Kept switching the fabrik content plugin and the fabrik system plugin on and off, logged out of joomla and back in, etc. If finally got working!

I built a simple list and had a couple of simple elements to see if the validation works, sadly it doesn't react and accepts the form without data! I'm scratching my head thinking that isn't right - why a simple validation, such as "notempty" and "isalphumeric" should work without any conditions set as per the fabrik tutorials about setting up your first list and form.

So I thought maybe it needs to have the github update stuff but that didn't work at all with the "wget" method and the usual FTP transfer method. When I say it didn't work - I meant it killed joomla and gave me a white screen in both cases - I panicked and had to re-install (thankfully I took a backup with the official fabrik installed (not github).

So I really don't know why any validation plugins dont work as it treats it as though there validation plugins don't exist. ***big sigh***

What do I do? Is there a workaround this using just the official fabrik version.

Look forward to your response and guidance. I used to use fabrik on joomla 1.5 but it had so many bugs back then whereas now it has come a long way and has a lot more tutorials and tips.
As per my posting that I did follow the instructions about getting the appropriate link and followed the FTP method and it gave me a white screen before I could get into joomla to do the postgithub method but I couldn't get that far....
I carried out github update with using maximum error level set up in the joomla global configuration and when I went to add fabrik to the filter of the Extension Manager -> Manage section, it crashed and went white with the following....

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JFormField in /homepages/46/d405910564/htdocs/wwds/administrator/components/com_fabrik/classes/33/field.php on line 20

I've wondered if this error has cropped before and I did a bit of digging around and interestingly this error has happened before and it seems to be a joomla class field (http://www.metamodpro.com/forums/topic?id=1186). Does it need to use this JFormfield?

Look forward to your advice, much appreciated and many thanks.
Ok did some further digging.....and found this thread: http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/cannot-redeclare-class-jform.34129/ so I restored my backup joomla system and set the ordering of the fabrik system plugin to -1 (minus 1) in the database using phpmyadmin and then using the github wget method for joomla 3.3.0 I used the "joomla3" tarball - be careful to NOT use "master" for the joomla 3.3.0 system.

I did come across the jformfield error again BUT I clicked my browser back button and did the github post update process and it worked .... phew! Got there in there! Hallelujah! :D

Note: Also prior to do the github update, I had the joomla system to be at the extension manager -> manage and put the fabrik in the filter box and had all the fabrik ones selected as well as the pagination page to be of "All" that is at the top right of the webpage - have all this ready for the github post update process.
Glad you got it working.
The "post github" stuff is not necessary to run the new code (so doesn't fix any errors...) but only to make Joomla know about the new code (showing the correct version in Extension Manager, showing correctly new updates etc).