Help with element calc



I need some help with the calculation code.
I'm using fabrik mixing with hikashop to view orders better. I have som fields:
nnj0c_hikashop_order___order_status: May be 2 options Created and Confirmed (field elements)
nnj0c_hikashop_order___order_full_price: The product price
nnj0c_hikashop_order___pagado: Amount paid reservation

I need when nnj0c_hikashop_order___order_status is created show nnj0c_hikashop_order___order_full_price value(it?s pending to paid), and when nnj0c_hikashop_order___order_status is confirmed (paid) subtract {nnj0c_hikashop_order___order_full_price-nnj0c_hikashop_order___pagado}
i.e. I have a product and i want to see how money it?s pending, and how much is paid, if a prodcut it's "created"=pending to pay, and if is confirmed it's paid.
It's possible to do?


If I follow you, I think you should use a php form plugin after having added a new ("balance" ?!) element.

Set it to be executed "onAfterProcess", and insert php code so that :

1) if order_status == created, balance = full_price
2) if order_status == confirmed, balance = full_price - pagado

Does this help ?