Hide Slider element default position


New Member
Is there a way to hide the yellow dot on the Slider element, before the user has klicked anything? It would be the best way to avoid some kind of bias to the Slider position.


P.S.: It also would help to hide the box that displays the chosen value.
You can do custom css on
.fabrikslider-line .knob {
.badge {
But how should the user know that there's a slider without anything to slide?
I should at first appear after the user has clicked on some position on the line. Not before, but at that point.
I think with a simple CSS modification the slider will disappear completely?

The core of the problem is, that the user can not select a value of 0 right from the start. If the user clicks on the dot, not the value 0 is stored on the database, but the field remains empty. To select 0 the user has to drag the Slider to e.g. 10 and then drag it back to 0. That is very annoying for the purpose of making a survey where 0 is a valid answer (since this cirumstance can lead the user to select 0 not that often as if the user normally would).
As Troester mentions the button is the slider handle, I wouldn't want to remove that as it would be unclear to the user that they have to click on the line to set a value.

Instead I think what you should be doing is setting a default value of '0' on the slider element.
Yeah, that would be one way to do it. Except then you don't know if the user did choose a value of 0 or just has forgotten this question. That is a problem for a study depending on user's opinion.
You can set a default e.g. 101 + a validation isnot = 101 to force the user to select a value.
Ah, I see. You're right. This solution will then also confuse the users with this scenario: they push the Slider to the most right position thinking it would be the strongest value to select. When saving the formular the Form will tell they left out that Element where 101 is chosen only that they haven't left out it at all.

Just tested it. Would be a nice workaround if the default value could be outside of the number of steps. This would solve two of my problems: the dot on the Slider being there before selecting anything and a possible validation for left out items. Is it possible to somehow set the default value not within the allowed steps for the user? May be a litte code modification on the element I can do?