how do i make phone element perform call or sms during andriod or mobile layout?



Can this be achieved in fabrik? Or joomla? Is there a joomla or fabrik plugin for this?

Example i have a button element with a phone number or sms number as data.
Can the user click on the button and make a sms or phone call?

There's a SMS form plugin.
You can choose some gateways (so it's not related to the use of a mobile phone).
There's a SMS form plugin.
You can choose some gateways (so it's not related to the use of a mobile phone).


What i need has relation to android phones. Apparently it wont need any carriers since it will call ths sms or phone call function of the phone.

For phone calls, I think you just use the standard tel: URI schema. So ...

<a href="tel:+15551212">call us</a>

Let me google ... yes, that's correct. There's a similar format for SMS links. Here's a page that tells you how to do it:

And here's a link that shows you how to use google. ;)

The easiest way to do it would be to use something like a calc to create those simple links from your number element.

I'm not sure how you would do it from a button. I think you would need to load an Android Javascript class, and call an "Intent" by hand. That's how applications tell Android they want something done - they fire off an Intent (like "make a phone call"), and any application which handles that will be listening for that intent. Like you dialler.

By using a simple link with a tel: or sms: schema, you avoid those issues of having to code it yourself, as the browser will do it for you.

-- hugh
hi hugh

how do i actually apply the link to the phone element? so that any number on the field will automatically have wtai://wp/mc;[phone_number] or tel:[phone_number] or create a separate text element that when clicked (du?
ring android) will initiate call or text?

hi again

i tried to apply this using custom html for joomla and its great. thanks so much hugh.

i just dont know how to apply this with elements for fabrik as i have stated below.

how do i actually apply the link to the phone element? so that any number on the field will automatically havewtai://wp/mc;[phone_number] or tel:[phone_number] or create a separate text element that when clicked (du?

thanks again
Like I said in my last post, you could use a calc:

The easiest way to do it would be to use something like a calc to create those simple links from your number element.

And as per the wiki docs for the calc element, you could use simple placeholders to insert your number element value into the value the calc returns like ...

return "<a href='tel:{yourtable___yourphone}'>{yourtable___yourphone}</a>";

Then display that calc element wherever you need the clickable link, instead of the number element.

-- hugh
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