How to avoid any animation on detail opening from a list?



When clicking in a list, the link to detail will show the detail after opening an intermediate small window (see image).
Detail animation.png
How can I have the detail to open directly in the full div?
The goal is to avoid any animation when clicking to different lines in the list:
I'd like to just have the content of the detail changing without any shrink-expand animation.
Thank you troester for your prompt reply.
The position is now fixed (on top), but the height is still shrinking between two popups when clicking on another row of the list
Detail animation-2.png

This is for bootstrap template for the template.

But i want to use the bootstrap_tab template. Then the height of the fields is so great that only one field is shown and it is necessary to scroll so much down to see the others.
I have just set my profile home page to the url to see the problem.
Only the first column of the table is linked to detail
I finally found a solution by handling myself the click event on the row.
Everything is OK now.