How to retreive form element values for validations?

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In a registration form, I have an element for email and one for the email confirmation.
I am trying to set a PHP validation on the confirmation field to check whether the second email entered matches the first one, but I don't seem to be able to retreive the correct data from the first email element.

In the confirmation email element, I set the following code in the "condition" box :
return $data == JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('email');
But no matter what I enter in this field, the validation is always OK.
Yet, the condition box works because if I write

return $data == '5';

the validation fires if I enter 5 and does not fire if I enter 4.

Note : this confirmation email element is in a (non repeated) joined group.

Joomla 3.0.2 - Fabrik 3.1 + yesterday's GitHub.
should 'email' not be 'listname___email' ?

return $data == JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('listname___email');
Yes, it should. However, it is still not working and the resaon is probably this :

If I put a debug code inside the validation plugin, I get this for JFactory::getApplication()->input
JInput Object
    [options:protected] => Array


    [data:protected] => Array
            [option] => com_fabrik
            [view] => form
            [formid] => 36
            [Itemid] => 118
            [og6a1_users___id] => 
            [og6a1_users___name] => 
            [og6a1_users___username] => 
            [og6a1_users___password] => 
            [og6a1_users___password_check] => 
            [og6a1_users___email] =>
            [og6a1_users___block] => 1

But if I replace it by JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('og6a1_users___email'), I get this:

This explain why the validation always fails. of course, I have no idea why the "@" is stripped out...
ah because get() now uses stricter input formatting, its the equivalent to the old JRequest::getCmd()


$input->get('foo', 'default', 'string');

the 'string' property tells Joomla to not filter the content
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