How to set upload path for an fileupload element?


New Member
Hi All,
I am using Fabrik 3.x,
I have created my required element there.
Where i have some fileupload element.
I have successfully created the form and
submitted data with upload files.

But when I go to site home page then
I faced the error "Nothing to see here. Move along."

I have searched the solution in Fabrik forum and got
that it is for not setted upload path for fileupload.

But I did not find where actually it will placed for the element.
so in the elements settings, you can define where the file will be uploaded. when you upload a file it also creates an index.html file in the same directory for security reasons which includes the message you see. if you haven't defined a path I am guessing it is created in your sites root directory and this is why you are seeing this message. there is a similar post here:

i am not at pc at the moment but I hope that helps.
The issue is that you have not set a path for your fileupload element. In this case, the uploaded folder is created at the root of your Joomla! installation.
You have two options :
1) keep it that way, but in this case, you have update your Fabrik installation to the latest GitHub to fix this issue
2) set another location for your upload folder (in the /images folder for instance)
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