Issues with plugins

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Well-Known Member
So I guess I Christian this new section!

I encountered already the problem on the project I am working on, but I wanted to have a confirm on a fresh install.

The setting : new Joomla 3.0.2 install + Fabrik 3.1a downloaded this morning
- I create a new list, then go in the form and add a plugin : you have to pick one that has radio buttons, like the "receipt" one for instance.

Problem : you can't change the value of the radio button (stuck on the default setting). Strangely, Firebug does not report a JS error.

I have not tested on this install since it is the problem I noticed already, but this concerns ALL plugins (forms, validations,...).
There seem to be a general plugin issue because if you have only one plugin (one validation for instance) and you are happy with the default settings (since you can't change them), it works fine. If you have more than one (two validations for instance or a redirect after the JUser), the second plugin does not work (sometimes returning a fatal error).

So at this point I am stuck.
which browser are you using? I tried firefox and don't see this issue.

I could add two isunique validations to an element and two reciept plugins to the form. Selecting the yes/no radio options were possible before and after saving.
I tested it on Firefox and Chrome on Mac and in Firefox and IE9 on Windows with the same problem on all.
I even tested it on a local server (with PHP 5.4.4) and same result so it's not coming from the server.
ahah! I had patched my Joomla admin template to fix this.
I've now applied a more general Fabrik fix for this in github, could you update and check if its ok?
Yes, that did it. Thank you.
At least for the yes/no selection.

Unfortunately, now remains the plugin functionning itself: one plugin = OK - two plugins - Fatal error (like Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/livingjfq/public_html/j3/plugins/fabrik_validationrule/isemail/isemail.php on line 113).
Remember that as stated before, it is not actually the plugin that has a problem but the way is handled the "chaining" of them.
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