juser plugin don't update profile


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I have a table to hold some profile details and some elements duplicated from the joomla user table (like username, name, email and password)

I put a JUser plugin on the form to allow the creation of new joomla users, also I put row id = -1 and key = user_id on the advanced options tab to allow existing user to edit his own record.

Now this is working well when creating a new user. On edit instead, current profile data are shown correctly, but when I hit save it gives me a duplicate primary keys on my table and a username and email already exist on joomla users table like it's trying to add the record instead of update the original one.

What I'm doing wrong?

Best regards,

Fabrik 3.1b
Joomla 3.1.5
Update: Maybe I found a solution to my problem: on the list definition, data tab, the primary key id, created automatically by fabrik, had auto-increment set to no. I changed it to yes and now is working. I don't understand why it gave me such problems on updating with just one record in the table and why it wasn't set to yes from the beginning, but that's it.

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