just a test

:) Hi bea
I got an "Alert" but no email although my preferences are "and receive email notifications of replies"
Hi Troester,

I do my receive email notifications test now ;)


Edit: I have made some changes in my profile preferences... maybe it will work now.
Hi troester,
you have to set the preferences in your profile like my previous post image.
Cheers, Bianka
Now working.
I tested with other email addresses, uncheck and then check alert preferences.
I don't know what happened.
The problem is not in spam settings.
I had both:

  • Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
    • and receive email notifications of replies
enabled...just not the wiki ones.

All my alert preferences are enables too.
Unfortunately, troester, it seems to me that even I don't receive alerts emails; and they aren't in the spam.

I don't know why, but it happens from a few weeks.

Has anyone been successful in receiving notification emails for their own threads? I'm still not getting mine, even though I double checked my email address and set all the right options.
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