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List filter

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I have some strange behaviour with list filters.
I think it's since the last update (3.3.3) but not sure.
When i filter on several column, it seems that it's with a OR instead of a AND
I don't find a parameter to change that.
Thanks for help
Did you have a look?

Another problem with an auto complete filter: it returns result that is not the selected value...

I've fixed a bug in the autocomplete filter code, but I can't replicate the issue with your lists where the filters are being 'joined' together with 'or' rather than 'and'
Could you update from github and see if that resolves the issues?
i've updated but no changes...
the problem with or/and come after several different filtering. On the firsts time it's ok, but after 5-10 try of various combination, the result become wrong. But for the moment i can't be able to find a way that going wrong surely
For autocomplete search no change also...
do you have prefilters either in the menu link or on the list itself, if so what are they?
Can you try to pin point the steps needed to replicate the issue?
No prefilters on list.
Some list with menu prefilters, and some not, the problem is on both.

Very difficult to find the way to reproduce.

That is sure: when i filter on a autocomplete filter, i get unwanted items all the time.

But when i filter with combination of dropdown filtern the result become wrong after several try, but can't reproduce every time...

Is there a way to downgrade to 3.3.2 for testing, it seems to me the problem is comming after the new version...

I continue to search steps to reproduce...
That is sure: when i filter on a autocomplete filter, i get unwanted items all the time.
Perhaps I'm not looking in the right place, but I go to :
I search for 'CSC' in the 'salle' auto-complete filter, I get one option, I select that and press 'Aller' to filter the list and i get one record shown.
Is there a specific set of search options, urls etc that you are having trouble with?
go to projections (not sub menu)
in salle search "le royal - biarritz"

for the other problem (and/or, see above):
go to "projection" and "pass?e"
select "eqds" in film and go: you have all the "eqds" record"
now select "yes" in "projection valid?e": records with " no" value is always showed
You're database join element's filter option "correspondance exact" was set to "no"
So searching on "Le Royal - Biarritz" - whose data/value is "1" would return any salle with "1" in the ID, eg, 1, 10, 11, 101 etc
I've changed the setting and it now filters as expected
for the other problem (and/or, see above):
go to "projection" and "pass?e"
select "eqds" in film and go: you have all the "eqds" record"
now select "yes" in "projection valid?e": records with " no" value is always showed
This one should be fixed in github now.
You're database join element's filter option "correspondance exact" was set to "no"
So searching on "Le Royal - Biarritz" - whose data/value is "1" would return any salle with "1" in the ID, eg, 1, 10, 11, 101 etc
I've changed the setting and it now filters as expected

Don't remember when and why i've changed this. Sorry!
But, why the search is not on the label instead of raw value?

This one should be fixed in github now.
Ok, i will update tonight.

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