list pdf error

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FabriKant d'applications web
Using the standard list pdf button within chrome generate a network error most of the time.
Except when doing this right after the login : I get a clean pdf file.
Sounds like an outut_buffer clean problem ? Did not success to catch it.
Using mpdf instead of dompdf produces an error :
Compile Error: Declaration of Psr\Log\NullLogger::log($level, Stringable|string $message, array $context = []) must be compatible with Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::log($level, $message, array $context = [])
ExceptionStack Trace
in /home/bishlws/examulmtest/libraries/fabrik/vendor/vendor/psr/log/src/NullLogger.php (line 26)
     *     * @return void     *     * @throws \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException     */    public function log($level, string|\Stringable $message, array $context = [])    {        // noop    }}
With pdfdebug, I got clean html output with both libraries.
I don't think the library itself is involved as I use it to produce pdf documents in some Fabrik'scron script from a Joomla Article containing Fabrik place holders : it works very well.
@achartier is working on the mpdf/NullLogger

With debug on there may be messages leading to breaking pdfs. If you can download a PDF file but can't display it you can examine with e.g. Notepad++
Please try with System debug off and error level low or off.
Dompdf :
When I can download a pdf (just after logging as a user, ie first action) : I got a clean pdf file without any messages nor errors.
After, I got a network error in the browser (chrome) and can't get the file at all. Could not open in notepad.
Same with debug off and error level set to none.
Running J4.3.1
No idea if this may be related but calling the list in Chrome I see

and in Firefox

Maybe there's an access issue with this .map file?

Do you have caching enabled?
It it the same with SEF off?
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Do you also have J! system debug off? With J! system debug on I often get errors like session_store
I just spent 3 days trying to track down a problem with AJAX not loading when a watched element is changed. Turned J! system debug off and it works perfectly - we live and learn.
Big thank you Troester.
On this page : (with SEF disabled) there are no js error.
I do not have cache enable.
the pdf link is :
Some time this link gives the pdf. Sometime an error....

With firefox the download is more often successfull. In case of download failed, if you click on the retry button of the download button, most of the time you'll get the pdf. But not if you restart the download on the same tab.
I think, I've seen this problem in the past. ob_flush() somewhere is missing.
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