List Plugin for email / sms ... Where do I place the placeholder...

for cell phone numbers to send multiple rows in list filtered by a field value

  1. I need to go through a list... makes some changes then, after it has been finalized, have a way to submit the list as a batch of SMS messages to Twilio

    I looked at the list email/sms plugin and I do not see how the plugin gets the cell phone number for each row...
    I see address book option
    To send Multiple SMS
    Select this?
    Recipient method

    The wiki is not clear how to accomplish this via sms
    Recipient method
    Select Single to send one message with all recipients on the To line, or Multi to send multiple emails, one for each recipient

    Would I use the Email to and set to cell_phone Element?
    Email to
    The email address to send the selected records to, if 'Defined in email to field' is selected in 'Get email address from'. Element placeholders can be used.

    As far as using a query to filter the list by an element for testing groupID..
    I see this... does this mean I can set a query to a testing groupID in the list to filter all rows with the same testing groupID?
    foo={foo}" data-original-title="Additional QS" style="cursor: pointer; line-height: 18px; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 5px;">Additional QS

    Additional QS
    Optional additional query string args to append to the AJAX call that loads the popup. Useful if you have prefilters on your list that use query string args, like foo={foo}

    Pertaining to the Additional QS
  2. If I had a radio element in the list that indicates a contact type (Email, SMS or Both) is that something that could be queried along with another field type that is used to select the batch of notifications (Testing groupID)?

  3. Finally, if I wanted to send both email and SMS for each row in the batch can that be done by using two plugins on the same list?
Has anyone attempted this?
I don't have a SMS gateway so I never tried. But

I assume it's taking the "to" phone number from the "to" email setup. The code is doing
if ($sendSMS)
            return $this->sendSMS($mailTo, $thisMsg, $row);
Just try.

I think the plugin is working either as email or as SMS.
So if you want to do email and SMS in "one batch" you must use a php plugin an do emailing and SMS on your own. Have a look at \plugins\fabrik_list\email\models\email.php how it's doing emailing and SMS.
Thank you once again! Can I use a placeholder for the $thisMsg from an "message" element in the list specific to the individual Mailto?
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