Menu in the backend show only the data lists



I am interested in making a menu in the backend show only the data lists to the user manager. Is there any way to give permission for the data lists are displayed only?

Do not want to show all the Fabrik component; I want to show only the data lists its functions to create/edit/delete.

Any idea of how to do this?

That "could" be done with a lot of work to override templates and modules, but why would you want that? The back end is intended for site admins only and the components in Fabrik (lists, form, groups, etc) are linked to each other for a reason, so allowing one without the other would likely lead to confusion and chaos.

How would a user add a field/element to a list with access to Elements, etc? Do you literally mean the components (forms, groups, etc) or the data in the back end tables/lists?
Hello genyded

Thanks for your interest.

My goal is for the user in the "backend" do not change the settings fabrik and access only the data portion. Achieve solve making a menu in the backend linking only part of the lists.

In short, so linked lists:

* Library
$menu->addChild(new JMenuNode('Library', '#'), true);
$menu->addChild(new JMenuNode('Books', 'index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=1', 'class:help'));
$menu->addChild(new JMenuNode('Areas', 'index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=8', 'class:help'));
$menu->addChild(new JMenuNode('Disciplines', 'index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=7', 'class:help'));
$menu->addChild(new JMenuNode('Subdisciplines', 'index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=6', 'class:help'));
This article was very useful to me:

That resolved my problem. This way I only show the lists and the end user does not get confused with so many configuration data, as groups, forms, .... etc, allowing to create / modify / delete records from the backend.

If you just want to link to existing lists in the backend you don't need any coding. You could create a custom HTML admin module containing the links.

But as genyded is saying: why are you sending the user to the backend at all?
I need to update joomla sections, eg, web links, articles, ..., etc. and from the frontend do not have all the fields available in all sections, then the end user has to modify some things from the backend and others from the frontend; prefer entering a single panel and change anything you want. To me it seems that the backend is better.
For example, for I have no web links all fields accessible from the frontend; for example the field that allows you to upload images not available; maybe you can set up, but now I need to solve problems quickly and keep it simple with permission to display fields in the frontend; so the solution to show everything from the backend I would call acceptable; at least for now.
My problem is not with the possibilities fabrik from the frontend; but as I update components joomla from the frontend.

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