More Purity III Woes


I am just starting to use Fabrik and wish I had known about it about 6 years ago!

At the moment I have a Joomla 3.8.7 site using the latest T3 framework and Purity III template with Fabrik 3.1 and have a variety of issues. I did download and upload the overrides posted at and that got me some icons that were missing. But some are still missing and some links disappear when I mouse over them. Same behavior with both Firefox and Chrome.

Before the layouts update, the icons for Clear filters, Advanced Search, and CSV (probably others in this group I don't have enabled) simply were not there. But they still disappear when I mouse over them. Additionally, the sorting icons sometimes end up atop the column labels.


Also, there are no upper-right (full-screen and close) buttons on the front end Advanced search modal like there are in the back end version. The only way to close this modal in the front end is delete/reset all options and Apply.

Front end:

Back end:

I've inspected the elements for both the front and back end views of these same features and the code is essentially identical (different links). So I know it's a template issue. I don't have the time to invest to switch to Gantry or some other framework since I have a number of other customization (vs problem fix) overrides already in place. Is one of the files already in the Github layouts one that can be edited to fix these issues, or were they presumably already fixed in there. I know I installed them properly since, as I said, the list icons did appear.

Is anyone else seeing this same issue? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Bruce S.
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