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Multilingual fabrik

Dear sir:
I tried to Make Fabrik multilingual with Fabrik itself on my website. But failed as intro:http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/make-fabrik-multilingual-with-fabrik-itself/

Please refer to my web page:

Maybe some detailed code need to be changed actually as follow:
$lab = strtoupper('{#__fabrik_labels___label}');
$ln = '{#__fabrik_labels___lang_code_raw}';
$override = '{#__fabrik_labels___override}';
$msg = $lab . '="' . $override . '"
$file = JPATH_SITE . '/language/overrides/' . $ln . '.override.ini';

Could you help me to solve it :
My set screenshot as attached:


  • add data.GIF
    add data.GIF
    12.7 KB · Views: 179
  • form.GIF
    34.8 KB · Views: 187
  • trigger.GIF
    79.2 KB · Views: 199
  • database-labels table.GIF
    database-labels table.GIF
    1.4 KB · Views: 154
  • fabrik-add data error.GIF
    fabrik-add data error.GIF
    48 KB · Views: 182
Can't say I know the answer - but I have a few questions.
In the form php plugin settings... Why is the 'On' setting set to Edit? (Or is this because you only want to trigger the multilingual thing if this form has been been completed?) And why is the 'Process script' set to "End of form submission (onAfterProcess)"? Wouldn't you want this multilingual patch to be initiated before the form is loaded?

Or maybe I just don't understand how this is being used.
But if it's just a matter of those php plugin settings to get the expected result, then I'll take my hero badge - else stick to gnawing on my shoe.:D
Make sure all your triggers are using "INSERT IGNORE...".
The error message seems to come from an INSERT without IGNORE
Thanks for your reply:
I set as instruction:
  • "In Joomla(top)
1) create new Fabrik list+form on the #__fabrik_labels table
2) in the list
- add an inline plugin so that you can edit inline (from the list view) the element #__fabrik_labels___override
- good idea would be to show filters at least for the language element! So you can make list to show only the needed rows.
3) in the form
- add a "php" plugin and set it to work on edit at the end of form submission (onAfterProcess)
- add the following code to execute "

and about list prefilter:
"we could filter data with. When we want the Joomla multilingual site would make the work then at least one language element must represent language url code (like 'en', 'fr', 'fi', 'et', ...) and list prefilters should be set to "WHERE `your_language_element`= '{lang}' " "


  • prefilter.GIF
    40.9 KB · Views: 164
Another problem is that it didn't leave some info in zh-CN.override.ini file

and all data will disappear if I fill zh-Cn or en-GB in lang code field when add data
But inlinedit plugin didn't work.
How could I edit the override?


  • inlinedit.GIF
    59.6 KB · Views: 153
  • inlinedit-set.GIF
    33.7 KB · Views: 152