Need custom CSV export


New Member
Hi all

In my project I'm trying export pre filtered list data to a CSV file. After that list data will be updated that csv has been done (order___csv=1). The goal is prevent double data exports.
Need suggestions how to do this.

Really need your help.

I have been testing here and right know i'm in stadium were i need php code for starting CSV export. How to start same function that is on list when pressing "Export to CSV"???

It isn't currently possible to alter field values once the export is done.
The closest idea I came up with is to add an update col plugin to the list so that the user could mark the records as exported, and additionally create a pre-filter which would filter out any records which had the field csv's value set to 1.
Hi Rob

How to start same function that is on list when pressing "Export to CSV"? Fabrik export CSV button is working. Can You give the script line?

Also I have found a script exporting csv file. Works fine on all list that I have, except on list I have to export. Cant figure out whats the problem. I know that with my "order" list is some kind of problem. I cant delete list, fabric gives me a error message. May be this is the problem also on exporting CSV.

Error message

  • You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order WHERE `order`.`id` IN ('1')' at line 2 SQL=DELETE FROM order WHERE `order`.`id` IN ('1')

Honestly If you aren't in a position to be able to read the code and work out where the export is starting, I'm pretty sure you are going to find it very hard to edit the code to change things no?
Have you considered my previous solution as an alternative?
I think you mentioned the delete bug elsewhere in another post? so best to keep each conversation on topic as it will be too hard to follow otherwise.