New list pulling info from data stored by a form.



I want to create a custom template for a list. I want the template to be filled by data that is taken from a form I have on the site. Data from the form is already on a different list in a different format. How would I go about pulling the same data into another custom list or sort the data by member instead of showing accumulated data like the original list?

You can have multiple fabrik lists pointing to the same database table.

Let's say listA/formA are filling database tableA.

Create a listB (you may copy listA or create a new listB and select tableA in "Data" tab)
Now you can edit listB settings, choosing e.g. "Order by" = member (assuming you have a database column/fabrik element member), you can set different access levels, prefilters....
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Thanks Troester,

I do have a form that a shop owner fills out for every skater at his shop. Then I have a list that takes all the info for each skater and list the skaters by points - highest points are at the top lowest at the bottom. I need to be able to click on a skaters name from that list and only see that skaters profile/info on another list. My problem is how would I make sure that when they click on a skater, only that skaters info would show up on the new list. I don't know how to code it for that purpose.

I'll give it a try and see if I can pull a particular skaters info into my new list. I'll keep you posted.

You should then have a database join element in the last list pointing to the skater id in the skater list. This element and its data then creates the relationship between your two lists.

Once you have that you can edit the skater list and use the data->related data section to add a link into the skater list which will open the last list filtered on that link's row's skater id.

Would I have to use the database join element for each element in the 2nd list in order for the skater's complete info (name, badges, standing, team, etc.) to show up on different lines on my 2nd list? I don't want the 2nd list to look like 1 row of info for the skater, but have a little more customization which I am working on. I'm not sure I understand it all the way but will give it a try and see how it works.

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