PDF output


New Member
I`m trying to create a pdf file from filtered list. My list contains thousands of records, but they are listed by default 10 rows per page and this is ok for list view. But in pdf I need all results from filtering (over 100 and more). I have assigned $model->limitLength=$this->_row->total, but still in my pdf I have 10 results. Obviously, this is not the way :) Please help me to understand how to create my pdf :)
Sorry for my english, I hope I have managed to explain my problem

Thanks in advance
PDF is using the list as it is displayed.
You can set the rows per page to 100 or all - but it is very likely that this will break the PDF with a timeout.
Thank you for your response!
You are absolutely right about breaking :) If I create a pdfexport.php in model(like csvexport.php)... will this be enough to solve my problem?