Phone number lookup

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I am setting up a form to do a lookup of a calc field based on a phone number entered. I have it more or less working except that would like the entry field to be in a specific format.

I would like to cistomer to enter the number in the number in the xxx-xxx-xxxx.
  1. Ideally would start with a blank field looking like xxx-xxx-xxxx
  2. As user starts to enter numbers, ideally would like them to enter the 10 digits and it will validate are numbers and put the '-' in the right place, so as the enter 1234567890 would show 123-456-7890 and then would run the calc.

I have tried setting the element input type as phonenumber, and unsuccefully tried to use regex.

Any help appreciated
We do need to update to get thet field. Doenst seem to be in ours. We are on 3.1rc2 which seems to be the latest. What would we need to update to get this new feature?
hi the changes are in github - see my signature for details on how to update.
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