Placeholder Syntax


I am having problems when I qualify the records appearing in a list.
{fabrik view=list id=2} works fine.
{fabrik view=list id=2 ParishContactsC___ID=2} or
{fabrik view=list id=2 tblParishContactsC___ID=2} still lists all records. I can't remember is it the list name or the db_table name ? - but I've tried both and niether filter.

Any ideas ?


The element name should of course be table_name___element_name (not list name)...
This is also my experience that filtering with content plugin code doesn't yet work in Fabrik 3.
You may want to
make a special copy of this list for displaying with content plugin and then s
et the prefilter in list admin to id=2 . This method worked for me.
It's working fine on my site.

{fabrik view=list id=2 xxx___yyy=2}
xxx___yyy is the full element name (=DBtablename +3 underscores + element name, best is to copy/paste from the element list)

Make sure you have no formatting tags or additional spaces inside {}
what is editor are you using? Some editor add an tags like <p>, I am not sure but it may be needed <div> or <iframe> on the html source code ? If this woud be somthing of hint.
The editor was TinyMce. I've tried with no editor and the filter still fails.
I've tried

  • Using the Fabrik sample data table
  • Cutting and pasting the string from the elements list
  • Just the placeholder on the page and then with HTML above and below
  • A filter that should return records and one that should not
None of these cause the filter to work.

Troester's comment is interesting - must be some set up or code upgrade that he has which I have not. Suggestions welcome !

In the meantime Jaanus's suggestion seems a good workaround. But its a little more complex for my current need ( synced form and list on the same page). But I suppose the pre-filter string is stored in a db table somewhere and it should be possible to change that.


I'm running the latest (or nearly latest) GitHub version.

You can enable fabrikdebug (in fabrik options) and then append &fabrikdebug=1 to your URL

You can filter on URL parameters, e.g.
{fabrik view=list id=2 xxx___yyy=[param]}
How do I download the latest Fabrik 3 version ? I've followed the SVN tutorial which shows a download from Fabrik_Fabrik2 - with a user name and password. Presumably I want Fabrik_Fabrik3 for v3 ? But the user name and password for Fabrik2 don't work.

Am I on the right track - and if so what are the user name and password ?


Thanks - I've updated 3.0.5-399.

But still no joy with the placeholders ! Why does it work for troester ? Is there anything else I can check or try ?

Did you try the fabrik debug?
You should see the generated SELECT when clicking on "list GetData"
Yes I've enabled debug on Lists. But (sorry if this is a silly question..) where is "list getdata"? I'm simply placing the {placeholder} in an article and hoping to see the list filtered. Just like it does in Fabrik 2.

Nothing extra shows in the url in debug mode.

Display your article
add &fabrikdebug=1 to the URL (or ?fabrikdebug=1 if it's the first parameter)
this will display a bunch of debug info, click on the row "list GetData: your-list" and check if the SELECT has a WHERE part
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