Please clarify Github update method


New Member
Could you please verify this will keep my f3.0b updated... for use with J1.7

Once I downloaded and installed Fabrik 3.0b from the fabrik downloads page, from that point forward I've been going to the github fabrik download page and clicking on the zip file button. I download that file and unzip it into my local drive f3 dir. Then I'm using filezilla to upload (overwrite if source file is newer) the directories to the server.

Is this a correct procedure?

yes that's a completely accetable and probably the easiest way to keep up to date.

Otherwise, if you are more technically minded, you can checkout the github repositiory using git and then fetch changes via git

Finally if you are thinking of commiting code at some point you should create a fork of the project on github, the github help pages explain how to do that
yes that's a completely accetable and probably the easiest way to keep up to date.

Otherwise, if you are more technically minded, you can checkout the github repositiory using git and then fetch changes via git

Finally if you are thinking of commiting code at some point you should create a fork of the project on github, the github help pages explain how to do that

Rob... at some point after f3 release is there going to be a connector(?) that will allow updating through the j1.7 update/discover method that will allow all this to be kept updated and done from within j1.7 extensions?

this is already in place using the Joomla extension manager, but is only for official releases.
It would be unwise and impractical to attempt this for nightly builds
I installed TortoiseGit and using this I pull updates from F github. Then I ftp to site overwriting if newer. It's a little bit more tricky installing TortoiseGit than T.Svn, but the result is more conveniant than using zip
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Could you please verify this will keep my f3.0b updated... for use with J1.7

Once I downloaded and installed Fabrik 3.0b from the fabrik downloads page, from that point forward I've been going to the github fabrik download page and clicking on the zip file button. I download that file and unzip it into my local drive f3 dir. Then I'm using filezilla to upload (overwrite if source file is newer) the directories to the server.

Is this a correct procedure?



I did exactly this and now I'm getting

"Fatal error: Class 'plgFabrik_ValidationruleIsgreaterorlessthan' not found in /home/threewor/public_html/components/com_fabrik/models/pluginmanager.php on line 223"

whenever I try to access Groups and Elements. I can still access the Form and List from the front and backend. Joomla 1.7. Fabrik 3.0.

Any advise?

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Thank you.

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