Prefilter gone for list



Have four prefilters in a joined list. But one of them is disappeared next time I log in and check the settings.
The list works perfect with prefilters, no errors.

See the attached picture, it's the last prefilter that always disappear.

Fabrik: 25 Mars from GitHub

I've tried to replicate with four prefilters looking like yours - no problem.

Is it related to the selected element? (Is the element published?)
Or related to the position of the prefilter?
Or the prefilter type?
This exact combination of prefilters?

What are your join settings?
Can you see JS errors before saving or after opening?
I recive an javascript error when adding the Type, before I have enterd the code (Value). And before I save. I have the javascript error even at the first prefilter, when testing.

Have tried to change the prefilter order, but no change in behavior.

Javasckript error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElement' of null
#5 http://localhost/administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/pluginmanager-min.js:1:69
#4 http://localhost/administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/pluginmanager-min.js:1:3953 null.()
#3 http://localhost/media/system/js/mootools-core.js:124:168 c()
#2 http://localhost/media/system/js/mootools-core.js:128:320 HTMLFormElement.w()
#1 http://localhost/media/system/js/mootools-core.js:119:88 HTMLFormElement.m()
I can see this JS error, too, but it doesn't break anything.

So your issue is with the prefilter on "max plats", no matter if it's the only one in your list?
Is it the same with an other condition or type?

Which element type is it? Anything special in settings etc...?
Could you paste in here the full query that you are using in the last prefilters value field, I'm not sure if its truncated by the screenshot
Even if I just change "Type" for a new (prefilter) with no other data I recive the js-error, see picture below.


Query code:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jos34_fb_course_registration WHERE jos34_fb_course_registration.registration_date_id =
Yes, but as I've said I can see this JS error, too, but it doesn't break anything on my site, all prefilters are saving and working as expected.

So what happens if you only add your "max plats" prefilter?
If you change it's Condition, Value, Type?
So I think you have to iterate...

It's hard to fix something which is not replicatable.