Problem with accented characters inside Fabrik


New Member
I have a simple form with one databasejoin, one field and one textarea.
My list and database collation are both set to utf8_general_ci.
When I submit the form, I get accented characters replaced by '?' question marks in the database table records.
Although, inside my standard articles pages, all accented characters are displayed correctly.
Seems like collation setting is not working well inside Fabrik.
Thanks for help.
This is a Joomla issue, returning the wrong DB collation in some situations.
There's a temporary fix in GitHub, so updating from GitHub should solve the problem for new lists.

In your exising list you have to reset the column collation manually e.g. with phpMyAdmin (table collation can be reset with the list's "Advanced" setting)
Thanks troester.
This does it. I have to set varchar and text column to utf8_general_ci also with phpMyAdmin.