Problems with Jobs Tutorial


New Member
Just starting with Fabrik, following the tutorial step by step.
Doing good, until I try to create and save a job title. The record is never created. If I manually add one in MySQL, I see it no problem, and can delete it. But from the form, I can't save it. No errors, nothing.

What am I missing?

here is what I get as error:

Out of range value adjusted for column \'fabrik_internal_id\' at row 1 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_fabrik_formdata_2 (`fabrik_internal_id`, `time_date`, `jobTypeTitle`) VALUES (\'\', \'2007-02-22\', \'Engineering\')
Job Types

Now, why does it try to insert internal_id as character when it's an autoincremented number? It should not even try to give a value to that column, I believe.
Ok, I found it. The elements internal_id and time_date must be marked as NON PUBLISHED, which they are (PUBLISHED) per default.
Same problem here...

This is so basic that I am prpbably going to unistall the whole thing and find something else that actually works.
This is what I get:
Out of range value adjusted for column \'fabrik_internal_id\' at row 1 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_fabrik_formdata_1 ( `fabrik_internal_id`,`first_name`,`time_date`,`last_name`,`email`,`message` ) VALUES ( \'\',\'sargf\',\'2007-08-24\',\'wert\',\'ewrt\',\'rt\' )

Running Mysql on Apache 2.0.3 on Windows 2003 Server.

I found it... Fabrik uses bad SQL statements.
Turning "SQL Strict Mode" OFF on the MySQL Server resolves the issue, HOWEVER, Fabrik should really make sure you are using proper SQL statsments in the code (type etc).

It’s trying to insert a string (\'\') into a column of type int. Not uncommon, but MySQL server 5.x has strict checking turned on by default and this issue arises.