Profile w/ Profile_extra -- Multiple group in same fieldset - is it possible


I have a main registration table profile and a join table profile_extra. I kept profile as close to the joomla user table as possible. Now, customer requirements have changed and some field of profile_extra are required when registering like phone email address etc. For example profile_extra.firstname and profile_extra.lastname.

I joined profile_extra to profile (from profile list). All that goes well.

****** Template modification

--- To make things extra fun, I decided to display the fields of each group in a column. So my form has now 2 columns, one with profile and one with some fields of profile_extra.
--- I modified my template to render both group at once inside one fieldset. To do that I had to switch between group "on the fly" in my template. Setting $this-group and $this-elements to appropriate value as needed.

When I comeback to default.php I make sure to reset $this-group and $this-elements to original values. There's no looping for each group.

I have set profile_fullname with plugin calc and value defined as: return "{profile_extra___firstname} {profile_extra___lastname}"dont worry about the string here it all works well.

****** Observations
1. Profile record is saved properly
2. Field Profile.fullname is correctly assigned the calc above.
3. Profile record created but fields firstname and lastname are left blank.
4. Field id and joined field user_id are field properly.

***** Conclusion = Question
Is it related to the fact that both group are in the same fieldset?

After all this typing I just realized that the hidden fields for my joined group have not been rendered. This might be the issue will comeback and post my finding.

Hope this post helps somebody else. If you want my templates, I will upload them.
Well in all fairness to people reading this, I didn't have much time to investigate and decided to have multiple page (group) all handled "as usual".
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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