Repeat column labels in long list

When I scroll down through a long list, my column labels move off the top of the screen. Is there a way to repeat labels every x number of records in list view or to repeat labels before each group by section?
Only via a custom template but it does sound like a cool feature to have. I've bookmarked to look at it later.
I am using a custom template based on bootstrap, but I am not sure where to begin (usually I trial and error these things until I get close and then I come back here for your expertise).
I created this as a quick mock up, maybe not the best way but it should get you started.

A few lines of code that needs to be put in default.php for you custom template. Look for the

            foreach ($group as $this->_row) :
                echo $this->loadTemplate('row');

and modify it as below.

            $headcnt = 1;
            foreach ($group as $this->_row) :
                if (($headcnt % 8 == 1) && ($headcnt !==1))
                            echo $headingsHtml;
                echo $this->loadTemplate('row');

Change the number 8 to however many rows you want before the repeated heading.

Because bootstrap does the alternate row striping you may find the background colour getting altered. Add the following to you CSS template to prevent that and amend where necessary.
.heading {
background-color: black !important;
Let me know if it works.
Brilliant! Thanks. Out of curiosity, is there a way to tie the repeating headings to the groups, having them appear just under the group headings?
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