S3 file upload issue


I am having an issue with the fileupload element. I have a working list where one of the elements is a fileupload element that stores to an S3 bucket. I want to join that to another table so I created a mysql view that filters only what I want and made it into a list and left joined it to the list I want. I then set up the file upload element so I can download the file. This is the bit I cant seem to get to work. I have copied the settings exactly however the download link does not show. When I look at the edit view and instead of the filename I just get ‘Array’

The link is similar same except I get something like this


instead of what it should be:


Ajax uploads max file is 1 and use download script is no.
I am running v3.9 of fabrik, 3.9.18 of joomla and v7.2 for php. Setting the value to 2 has not fixed the issue. I have tried applying the code fix but cant seem to find the code mentioned at line 3516. Instead I get the following:

* Log the download
* @param object $row Log download row
* @param string $filePath Downloaded file's path
* @since 2.0.5
* @return void
protected function downloadLog($row, $filePath)
$params = $this->getParams();
if ((int) $params->get('fu_download_log', 0))
$input = $this->app->input;
$log = FabTable::getInstance('log', 'FabrikTable');
$log->message_type = 'fabrik.fileupload.download';
$msg = new stdClass;
$msg->file = $filePath;
$msg->userid = $this->user->get('id');
$msg->username = $this->user->get('username');
$msg->email = $this->user->get('email');
$log->referring_url = $input->server->get('REMOTE_ADDR', '', 'string');
$log->message = json_encode($msg);
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