Secret Question dropdown


New Member
I am trying to create a registration form and want to use a secret question as a security measure and am not sure the best way to accomplish this. I set up a drop-down with the short-name for the question as elementaryschool and the label as What was the name of your elementary school? I have another field for the answer as a field but am not sure what input to use and how to make sure the question and answer stay matched in comparisons later on for verification I may be in over my head here since I just started working with fabrik and am far from an expert at it yet. Can anyone give me some clues as to where I can look for hints on how to accomplish what I am trying to do if it is even possible?

Yes you can use a dropdown for your question, and a field for the answer.
Then you can use the validation element plugin, which will give you the possibility to compare this question to what what is stored in the database when the user added the first answer.
Hmm yes, but no. If you want to create a registration form you should use the "juser" plugin with your form so that the account created will be stored in joomla's tables (#_users).

What you need to do is (for example) :

1) Create a list called "Users - Joomla" which will be your table #_users of your database. Don't forget for this list to set "Alter fields type" to "No" (Details - Advanced). You don't want to change one of joomla's core component.
2) Create a list called "Users - Extra data" and create a new table called #_users_fb_extras or whatever name you want.
3) In your elements, create a new field (whose default eval will get the user's id) to the group "Users - Extra data" : userid
4) Go back to your list "Users - Joomla" and make a LEFT JOIN from the id to "Users - Extra data" userid, so that you have a form with both joomla and extra data.
5) Add some elements to "Users - Extra data" and add your dropdown + your field that stores the question
6) Add the juser plugin to your "Users - Joomla" form and configure it.
[I may have forgotten some points but here is the idea]

At the end, you should have your table "Users - Joomla" not modified, but 3 (or more) fields added to "Users - Extra data" where your userid, question and answer are stored.