SEO best practice for Fabrik Lists and Details


Active Member
I just wanted the communities thoughts on SEO settings for fabrik.
I have setup a form which populates a list of courses for teachers.
I want to ensure each course details view has a unique browser page title and meta description.
I am going to modify the details template to accommodate h1 and h2 tags on various part of my content.
Fabrik includes the ability to add the field data to the browser title :
Element> Publishing> Add to browser title = Yes - this works well

Also for the SEF URL see
So far so good!

What I can't seem to find is a textfield / field setting to create a metadescription - which would render only in details view - does anyone have any suggestions?
If you have a details menu item you can put fabrik element placeholders in the meta data fields.

Or you can use a custom details template and do something like
    $mydoc = JFactory::getDocument();
    $mydoc->setDescription('your docu desc');
    $mydoc->setMetadata('keywords', "abc def");
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If you have a details menu item you can put fabrik element placeholders in the meta data fields.

Or you can use a custom details template and do something like
    $mydoc = JFactory::getDocument();
    $mydoc->setDescription('your docu desc');
    $mydoc->setMetadata('keywords', "abc def");

Hi Troester,
Have been away from this for a bit but have setup a nice template using uikit and have bought in h1, h2 elements etc
I have made a custom template:
and am calling the elements like this:

//load the elements in the array to view their values
//echo "<pre>";

//here are the elements

$courses = $this->groups['courses'];
$elements = $courses->elements;
$title = $elements ['title']->element;
$edcentre = $elements ['edcentre']->element;
$date = $elements ['date']->element;
$starttime = $elements ['starttime']->element;
$tutor = $elements ['tutor']->element;
$price = $elements ['price']->element;
$address = $elements ['address']->element;
$location = $elements ['location']->element;
$description = $elements ['description']->element;
$booknow = $elements ['booknow']->element;
$metadesc = $elements ['description']->element_raw;

//troesters stuff for metadata etc
$mydoc = JFactory::getDocument();

I used the element_raw to cleanly pull the metadata into the $metadesc var and it works a treat.
It was easy to then echo the vars into my uikit layout.
Rob's video was also a big help.

Thanks for your help on this
Hi Troester, i have the same issue... I have 10000 of record i need, for each record, add meta description and keywords. Would you please exactly how can i manage it please? Thank you!
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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