Serious bug with multipage forms

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Well-Known Member
I have this serious issue with my multipage forms:
  • On new form, when a validation fails, you get the error message and the elements are set in red. That's fine
  • When you EDIT an existing record and you fail a validation, you have the error message but you are redirected to the DETAIL view, so you can't edit anything of course and furthermore, there is no easy way out: clicking "back" in the browser will bring you back to the form view but no matter what you do, when you submit the form, you get the message "record saved successfully" but the form remains open and there si no way to leave
This is a main issue because my site is (finally) live now.
Tested with GitHub 201
I can't replicate this one locally - let me know which url this is on so I can see what the difference is between my set up and yours which is causing the issue.
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