Shrink width of repeat element in joined list


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I have a list with an inner join . The child table is set to repeat. in the child table a databasejoin element back to the parent ( pasi_dgw2.pdg_id linked back to )

Now, in my form I chose the "table" template for the child group, so that users can fill in various dropdowns for all children in one go (necessary feature).

In the first row, element is rendered as join___167___pasi_dgw2___nr1_0, (firebug), so I can shrink the width of that element to
#{$view}_$c #join___167___pasi_dgw2___nr1_0 {
width: 45px;
in custom_css.php

second row renders as join___167___pasi_dgw2___nr1_1, etcetera

Unfortunately, I don't know how many rows there will be!

Question, how can I put a single line in my custom_css.php to shrink them all to 45px.

(Actually, I have 14 of those elements in one row, so the problem is the same only bigger)

Help is appreciated.

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