[SOLVED] Bootstrap tabs template | Custom one group content



I'm using intensively the bootstrap_tab template.

In one of my tab I would like to structure the information like in the yellow block :


I would like to display information from other tabs into the "Statut de l'inscription" tab with placeholder.

To mock it up I have used a calc element which is not the solution for me since I just want to display and|or concacenate existing data and not save it. And with the display field I can't not inject any HTML.

Do we have an easy way to do this without having to create a custom bootstrap_tab template ?

Thank you in advance for your support.

Cheers, marc
You can use element placeholders in the group intro.

But these placeholders are showing the data at the time of form load. So if the candidate infos are editable e.g. in tab "Coordonn?es" changes won't be updated in the group intro display (as it is done with a calc with ajax)
Hi troester, thank you for your support. Problem is solve with the github update. Last version of calc element enable me to display the needed data and without having to save the data.
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