SOLVED - Header Module with sigplus


New Member
Trying to create new kind of headers to my application, I install the 'Module Sigplus':


After activate the module, I put it in an introduction of a list using that --> {loadmoduleid 93}


However, results in an error when I open the FrontEnd:


So, What this error means? Is there a solution or another way to solve my problem?
This doesn't sound like a Fabrik thing.
What happens if you insert this {loadmodule...} into a simple Joomla article?
The same error appears.
'' Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::getModuleById() ''

Any other procedure?
So this has nothing to do with Fabrik but something is wrong with your Joomla or your syntax.
Sort of. Allow me to add that this error typically pops up if an extension or template framework is either from before {loadmoduleid ...} was included with Joomla (I believe it was J! 3.9.0), or the extension/template developer has since "forgotten" to update his code accordingly.

[EDIT:] I should maybe leave no doubt that, indeed, it has nothing to with Fabrik. The function works usually perfectly fine in Fabrik context.
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I have test in another way and works fine. There's nothing to do with Fabrik.

Now, I just have to learn how to deal with the module configuration.

Thank you guys.