Solved! Inlineedit shows startpage in field on doubleclick

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I use the inlineedit plugin in different tables. Some with, some without databasejoin elements. Everything worked fine.
Now, for some reasons I don't know, when I make a doubleclick in any field, the startpage is displayed in this field, after the loading message disappears.
Maybe it's something with javascript? Or Java in general?
It happens with any browser... ;-(

Any suggestions?
do you have any javascript errors on the page.
Can you show us the url for the page as well?
hi Rob,

the strange thing is, that there aren't any errors . Just the startpage in the field I want to edit.
It's an intranetside, but I can make an account for you and send the url with pm
Maybe it's important for you to know that the problem above is only at the frontend. In the backend everything works fine.
Well, I could have checked that first...
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