[SOLVED] J! 3.4 Fabrik 3.3.1 - CSS for RTL


New Member
I am working on a Joomla/Fabrik application with 3 locales.
For English and German all works fine, but for RTL layout Fabrik does not inherit the rtl.css from Joomla and Gantry.

How can I set the RTL orientation for Fabrik Lists, Forms etc. ?

Thanks Troester,
I will add the necessary classes to the .less files in Gantry.

Since there is a translation for ar-AA in components/com_fabrik/language, I was hoping that the css for rtl languages exists somewhere as well.
I am using the latest version of Gantry, 4.1.26. I assume it uses Boostrap 3.x.

Everything is looking good so far with just a few additions to one Gantry .less file and adding language code to 3 Fabrik files.
<ul class="nav nav-pills pull-<?php if ($lang->isRTL()) : ?>right<?php else: ?>left<?php endif ?>">

For now the only problem is that the delete button icon in lists is not displayed because the icon tag has both classes assigned, icon-delete and icon-remove.
The class needs to be only icon-remove, but I cannot find where "icon-delete" and "icon-remove" are assigned.
Even after some changes to .js and .php files, still both classes are assigned.

Would appreciate some hints.
Adding your suggested
i.icon-delete.icon-remove::before {
    content: "I";
to the Gantry css works.
Adding it to a custom_css.php of the list template has no effect.

The extra css displays the icon for the icon-delete class now.
I would rather display the icon-remove class' icon since it is aligning better with the rest of the buttons.
Ah, yes, you can't add css with" to the custom_css.php because it's doing
echo "...";
You must change to single quotes.

If you don't like
content: "I"
check in the Gantry template what is used there.
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Thank you.

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