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SOLVED: Very urgent problem with joined table deleting data!

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I'm not 100% sure what you mean, but it rendered the same way as it does now in the test site.


Rob and I are just confused about how this ever worked.

I know its technically possible to set a group up this way, but as far as we know, it would never have worked "right", as it would require "nesting" of groups.

You have a repeat join group, which has a one-to-one to another join group. So in theory that should render a separate copy of the one-to-one for each instance of the repeat, as they could all point to a different row. But in practise, it won't. It'll just render a single copy of that one-to-one joined group. And even in 3.0 (I just looked at the code) the submission procressing wouldn't have handled it "properly", and as far as I can tell, each instance of the repeated join would have wound up being saved with the same one-to-one join FK, i.e. pointing to just that one instance of the one-to-one group.

-- hugh
BTW, why do you need that group to be "Yes, but hidden", ie. rendered complete as form data, just with "display: none" set on the container CSS so it's not immediately visible (but could be made visible through, say, an element JS 'show'), and will be submitted as form data.

Are you needing to refer to that data in JavaScript on the page?

If not, then you could just set "No" or "Detail view only" in the "Show group" option. In which case the data won't be there on the form, and won't be written out.

-- hugh
BTW, one of our long time "power users" is willing to help out here. He probably knows more about our join code than I do, as he pushes the envelope pretty hard when it comes to joins. And he's Estonian. Which is one of my barriers on your issues, as I just can't get any overall picture in my head of what you app does, as the table and field names are utterly meaningless.

So where for example "plastone_tooted_nimekiri joins to tootemuudatused_tooted" (or whatever, I'm just picking two names at random) means nothing to me, to Jaanus it means "plastone_products_list joins to productchanges_products", which actually tells him a lot more about your structure.

Anyway ... he should be dropping by this thread soon. He can't see your My Sites data, but I can vouch for him 100%, so if you want to PM him the login details, he'll be able to help a lot in getting this straightened out.

-- hugh
Tere, r??m tutvuda, tundub, et Hugh k?neleb minust :)
Yes, I am ready to look at this and try to help. I have some ideas but indeed, it would be better to look at the setups. Perhaps since Sunday I will have more time and maybe even today (Friday) in the 1st half of day.
He probably knows more about our join code than I do
Tere Jaanus! Samad s?nad. Tundub t?esti, et igas "sadamas" on v?hemalt ?ks eestlane :)

And Hugh, I admire your Estonian skills that you noticed right away my site was in Estonian and was able to forward the issue to Jaanus :)
Thanks for the thorough clarification on the joins. I have now set the joined group access to "No-one" and the issues seem to be gone now
(it will not create a new record to joined table and the error message is also gone).

I have to make some more testing, but i think we can close this matter for now.

Jaanus, good to know that there is a fellow citizen with these kind of Fabrik skills. I will defenately remember that in the future :)

Siin on meid veel v?hemalt ?ks :) Kasutaja jflash nimelt.
Cool that the issue is solved for now.
BTW, I have never thought to use the group ACL for this purpose, only "show group" options. Nice, got wiser now ;)
(Going to Tartu now to participate on a choir competition, so will be far from computer until Sunday)
I'm still puzzled as to how this setup works, as ... well ... it shouldn't.

But as long as it's doing what you need ... :)

-- hugh
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