Some Tutorials not working and others outdated


New Member

Thanks for such awesome software! It has truly changed the way I view the world.

I'm going through the tutorials using the latest Joomla 3.3 and latest Fabrik 3.2 install with all files updated from github.

Some tutorials are not available anymore and others are still for Joomla 1.5. I could not get all steps to work properly in my practical application of the examples - following the tutorials.

Just thought you'd like to know.

I got stuck on the following tutorials:

02 - Digging Deeper:
Tut 4. Table Filtering:
Could not get the access permissions right (tut explains for joomla 1.5)
{$my->gid} is depricated. The new method is returning the value in an array, and I'm not sure how to use it from within a "filter" statement.

Tut 6. User Ajax:
Getting a little error when testing the form in frontend: "ReferenceError: Ajax is not defined" in "plugins/fabrik_element/databasejoin/databasejoin-min.js line 1 > eval". My javascript code is exactly the same as in the tutorial.

Tut 9. Creating a Search Form
My search result returns "No records " after redirect, even after entering the stored record's full value.

03 - User Profile:
Tut 1. Create a Profile
Tutorial does not load (loads 5% and then stops).


Will update this thread later if I find more.


You are correct, a lot of the video tutorials are still from Joomla1.5.

If looking at those outdated tutorials (from 2009 etc.) you can't rely on details (e.g. Joomla - and so Fabrik - access handling has totally changed in Joomla2.5, old Fabrik tables are lists now, parameters and layout have changed...).
But the tutorials are often showing Fabrik principles which are still the same, so they are still available.

The recent Fabrik docu is in the WIKI.

And yes, please mention non-working tutorials.
Tut 9. Creating a Search Form
My search result returns "No records " after redirect, even after entering the stored record's full value.

Heres my Search form instructions for Joomla 3.x and Fabrik 3.xx
Follow the Tut from Fabrik video

Then do the following steps:

1. Go to form Elements and Make sure you hide / unpublish the datetime - otherwise the search is looking for a record plus that exact timestamp
2. Grab the latest / plugins / fabrik_form / redirect / redirect.php from Github
3. Upload and replace it
4.In the "Forms" > Form Processing Tab > Set Record to Database to "No"

worked for me;)
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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