SQL Error after update to Fabrik 3.3.3


Hi there,

after upgrading to latest Fabrik version, I am facing an SQL Error:

Here is an example of the problematic query:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `betabelle`.`ID` AS `betabelle___ID`
FROM `betabelle`
WHERE ( betabelle.approved = 1 ) AND ( `betabelle`.`hersteller` = 'Birkel' a `betabelle`.`bezeichnung` LIKE '%nudel%' ) LIMIT 0, 10

The Error is very evident.
It is the "a" between 'Birkel' and `betabelle`, which should be an AND instead.

The two parameters `betabelle`.`hersteller` and `betabelle`.`bezeichnung` are input data from a filter on the website frontend.

With Version 3.3.2 this problem did not occur.

Could you please give me a hint, how to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance and have a nice day

I have confirmed, that this Error also happens in the backend, whenever you use more than one filter conditions.

Always the sql query is using A instead of AND.

Seems to be a simple one, but where to find it?

Any advise is most welcome.

Best regards

In fact I only have two lists, which have more than one form filters.
The problem occurs only with one of them.

Any idea, how to fix it?

Best regards

I can't replicate it on my site, so I assume it's some special setup/elements types...

Is betabelle.approved = 1 from a prefilter? in list? in menu?
Which element types are hersteller and bezeichnung?
Anything else to mention (joined list, repeated groups, list in module, content plugin...)?
Dear Troester,

thanks for your help.
Yes, betabelle.approved = 1 is a prefilter inside of the list.
All elements in this list are "field" types.
There is no joined lists or repeated groups.
The frontend is a direct link to a fabrik list.

You can see the problem at following link:

Once you select two filters, you will see the Error 500 message.

Best regards and have a great day

It seems related to the prefilter, I've added an access level "nobody" to "switch off" the prefilter and it's working.
It's not related to this special prefilter (tested with id>0, too)
But I can't replicate locally with (I think) your settings.

No idea - you have a lot of other components, I don't know if something could modify the filter session data...

You can try to put the prefilter in the menu item.

BTW: I've enabled Fabrikdebug (in Fabrik options) for testing.
Hi Troester,

thank you very much for your advise. I will solve the problem by this way.
In fact, the problem started to occur, once I updated to latest Fabrik release. It was never a problem with previous versions.
Thats why I guess it has nothing to do with other installed components.

Anyway, now I have a solution and will use this.

Thanks again and have a great day

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