Strange caching Behavior

Hi all,

I'm using fabrik for custom registration and i've noticed a strange behavior.

When pressing the submit button in the registration form, i case there are

errors, these errors are displayed correctly. So far so good.

From this point, if i press the "Create account" button,

(which should give a refreshed form without any errors)

the error messages don't go away but appear again.

Only if i press the "Create account" button for a second time the

messages disappear. Has anyone noticed this behavior or is there any cache

setting that i can disable?

Thanks in advance.
Check your form settings:
save partially completed mutli-page forms must be NO (if it's no multipage form)
Thanks troester but this setting is already set to NO.
The strange thing is that this behavior is present on any form and not only in my custom registration form.
I fixed this by enabling the Joomla native cache plugin and setting "Use Browser Caching" to NO. I don;t know if its the optimal solution but fixed the problem.