Text Editor


New Member
I am curious about something.

I installed Fabrik about a week ago on a local build and it simply would not work. Every time I tried to open a form it would pop open an error (sorry did not keep record of the exact ones) but needless to say the only way to get out of it was to actually kill my browser from the task manager.

So recently I decieded to give it another try on a friends website...works fine now. The only difference is he uses the default text editor on his site that Joomla comes with. I use the Virtue-Mart HTML-3D text editor that is a mod of the TME editor.

After turning off all text editors on my local build it now works fine ???

Is Fabrik only able to work with the default text editor?

If so that really poses a serious problem for me as the default Joomla editor..well its junk (by comparison) to the TME editor.
Hi Lance,

While I have not tried TME editor - I use JCE with no problem. This problem may be isolated to your local build. What versions of MySQL, PHP, Apache, Joomla and Fabrik are you using?

-Graylan King
No its the same on my new live site where I also use the Vitue-Mart TME editor. My local build matches my dedicated server almost exaxtly.

Mysql- version 5.0.19_InnoDB Enabled

PHP - verison 4.4.2 and 5.1.2 (as CGI binary using FastCGI)
I use 5.12 but can control versions on a folder by folder basis.

Apache- version 1.3.34 Ben-SSL/1.55
SSL Version: Apache SSL
Modules: mod_throttle, mod_casp2, mod_perl, mod_php4, mod_frontpage, apache_ssl, mod_setenvif, mod_so, mod_unique_id, mod_digest, mod_auth, mod_access, mod_rewrite, mod_alias, mod_userdir, mod_actions, mod_imap, mod_asis, mod_cgi, mod_dir, mod_autoindex, mod_include, mod_status, mod_negotiation, mod_mime, mod_mime_magic, mod_log_config, mod_env, mod_geoip, mod_gzip, mod_security, and http_core

Joomla version 1.012
(always kept current on all 14 sites I manage)

Fabrik- version 1.03 (upgrade) made no difference from 1.02

I get the same errors from the front end as well as the back end when using anything except the default or no text editor. I really have become reliant on my Virtue-Mart version of TME since it allows for {mos_productsnap} code to embed products in articles and even emails using Letterman.

Once I post this message I will log into my site and revreate the error and get a "screen shot" image of the errors to show you...it locks the browser up into looping back nad forth between the 2 errors and the only way to stop it is to use task manager to kill the browser.

I use Firefox in case you were also curious.
Is TME the only other editer you have tried?

Try JCE and let me know if you are having trouble with that as well.

Re: Text Editor (update)

As I supected its my text editor that it does not like. For some reason the Virtue-Mart version of TME creates some errors that well I dont really understand. It appears to be looking for some funcion that is not there. Here are some screen shots.

This is the first error when you try to load the page (any page that uses an editor)

Then when you click OK it then generated this error.

After loading a TinyMCE editor back up and selecting it as the Joomla default..and my admin default it all worked as it should....although the editor did not like my custom admin template very much. :-\ what can ya do....

So Hopefully now I can start using some functions that can only be used in a rich html editor.
I am going to try loading the standard version of TME and see it that also makes a difference...I really like TME

***UPDATE*** sure enough the standard version of TMEdit works just fine.. :)

So for all you Virtue-Mart HTML-3D users who get that error, just go get yourself TMEdit...looks and works the same (no product snap) but still better than Tinymce. http://www.xhtmlsuite.com/tmedit
Hi Lance,

I will check out TMEdit - like I said, I use JCE but I like to be aware of alternatives.

I have looked at JCE...not too bad. If you use the TMEdit you do have to make sure of one thing if you wish to use the image (media manager) insert tool.

If you rename your Joomla root folder ( I always do) then you need to navigate to ...


And right at the top you will see $BASE_ROOT = "/images/stories";

just place the real name of your folder in front of "your_folder_here/images/

I deleted the stories part so I can access all images and files in my media manager. Hope this helps.
Graylan King said:
Hi Lance,

I will check out TMEdit - like I said, I use JCE but I like to be aware of alternatives.

I am also a big JCE fan but the only thing that I have found with this is when you have the Wysiwyg checkbox selected it places 2 edit windows in the form instead of just one. Any thoughts why this would be happening?
Same here,
Big fan of JCE, but seems problematic with Fabrik. All wysiwyg fields are duplicated for some reason.....

Anyone got any idea how to solve this?

Trying to use:
JCE: 1.1.5
Fabrik: 1.0.3

Edit mambots/editors/jce/jce.php

replace the whole function jceEditorArea() with

function jceEditorArea( $name, $content, $hiddenField, $width, $height, $col, $row ) {
global $_MAMBOTS, $mainframe;
  $results = $_MAMBOTS->trigger( 'onCustomEditorButton' );
  $buttons = array();
  foreach( $results as $result ){
    $buttons[] = '<img src="'.$mainframe->getCfg('live_site').'/mambots/editors-xtd/'.$result[0].'" onclick="tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',false,''.$result[1].'')" />';
  $buttons = implode( "", $buttons );
  $str = "<a id=\"editor_toggle\" href=\"javascript:jceFunctions.toggleEditor('$hiddenField');\">[show/hide]</a>
  <textarea id=\"$hiddenField\" name=\"$hiddenField\" cols=\"$col\" rows=\"$row\" style=\"width:$width" . "px; height:$height" . "px;\" mce_editable=\"true\" class=\"mceEditor\">$content</textarea>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\">
  <br />
  return $str;

I've posted this change to the jce forum, to see if they can include it as a permanent fix for future releases

Rob Clayburn said:
Edit mambots/editors/jce/jce.php

What version of JCE do you have? I have the JCE mambot version 1.1.6, and my jce.php doesn't look anything like that. Actually, there isn't a mambots/editors/jce/jce.php, just a mambots/editors/jce.php. And the jceEditorArea() function looks like this:

* mosce WYSIWYG Editor - display the editor
* @param string The name of the editor area
* @param string The content of the field
* @param string The name of the form field
* @param string The width of the editor area
* @param string The height of the editor area
* @param int The number of columns for the editor area
* @param int The number of rows for the editor area

function jceEditorArea( $name, $content, $hiddenField, $width, $height, $col, $row ) {
global $_MAMBOTS, $mainframe;
	$results = $_MAMBOTS->trigger( 'onCustomEditorButton' );
	$buttons = array();
	foreach( $results as $result ){
		$buttons[] = '<img src="'.$mainframe->getCfg('live_site').'/mambots/editors-xtd/'.$result[0].'" onclick="tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',false,''.$result[1].'')" />';
	$buttons = implode( "", $buttons );
	<a id="editor_toggle" href="javascript:jceFunctions.toggleEditor('<?php echo $hiddenField;?>');">[show/hide]</a>
	<textarea id="<?php echo $hiddenField;?>" name="<?php echo $hiddenField;?>" cols="<?php echo $col;?>" rows="<?php echo $row;?>" style="width:<?php echo $width;?>px; height:<?php echo $height;?>px;" mce_editable="true" class="mceEditor"><?php echo $content;?></textarea>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		jceFunctions.initEditorMode('<?php echo $hiddenField;?>');
	<br />
	<?php echo $buttons;?>
<?php }?>

-- hugh
Never mind! I thought the replacement func was leaving an unbalanced PHP tag, but that was just me.

Everything is now copacetic JCE, with this patch, on Fabrik Rev 165.

-- hugh
I am also a big JCE fan but the only thing that I have found with this is when you have the Wysiwyg checkbox selected it places 2 edit windows in the form instead of just one. Any thoughts why this would be happening?

I have above problem too.
i use
JCE: 1.1.8
Fabrik: 1.5.2 ( revision 968 )
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