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Unable to edit record


New Member
When logged in as an administrator I am unable to edit member information added from the membership form. The edit ICON is not shown for selected records unless they are added manually to the database.

Web site is sftarc.org. Form is access via "About Us/Roster/Ham OP Info" menu item.

What do you mean with "added manually to the database"?

Check you list access settings "Edit records".

Did you add the "can edit row" list plugin?
Thanks for the reply, responses below [ ... ]:

What do you mean with "added manually to the database"?
[The club secretary adds the information in the membership form that the public use had entered. The difference is the data being entered by a user with admin privileges vs public.]

Check you list access settings "Edit records".
[Edit Records is set to "Special", this happens for multiple lists using the same database. Edit is set to "Special" for all lists accessing this data. List view is set top "Registered" for all lists except Ham Op Info which is "Public"]

Did you add the "can edit row" list plugin?
[No there is no "Can Edit Row" Plugin installed. Edit works for all other records in this and other databases]

This looks like a privileged or record lock problem? A super user should have access to all records and they do not for these three records only? I did try and do a database repair from the database admin app with no change.
Assuming you are using the original Fabrik list template and no custom CSS or JS hiding the edit button
I can only think of different edit privileges per record if you've set the "or use field" option in the "Edit records" part.

If "an administrator" has the "Special" access level depends on you Joomla user/user group/access level setup.
A super user should have access to all records...
Same here, it depends on your Joomla settings.