Unicode character in the Link value


Hello Fabrik,

You all are very helpful giving us time to troubleshoot and solve the problems / issues we are having on our forms. Thank you for that. I appreciate it deeply too.
Here is a little hiccup I am trying to fix it.

There is a link element and contains unicode characters. It shows correctly on the form and the link works well too.
On the sql db it is stored as below


Other fields in the table, stored the correct Unicode characters. It means it is readable in our language.

I am trying to get the above link, process in the calc element and output the result on the form.
But it is displaying with all those "a\u103a\u1037\u101"..etc.. not in a proper link format with Unicode character.
I use mb_convert_encoding but not converting.
Let me know how to solve this.
Thanks and have a great day :)
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Thank you.

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