User element type using wrong database


New Member
I am using a separate database for the application I'm developing. In one of the tables I have "createdBy" and "lastModifiedBy" fields in which I want to capture the user name.

I set the plugin type for these attributes to "user". Then I got the following error when I tried to view the table data:

1146 Table 'shetland_chipxrefdev.ssca_users' doesn't exist SQL=DESCRIBE `ssca_users`

The database "shetland_chipxrefdev" is where my application data is stored - it is not my Joomla (3.0.3) database. Fabrik should be pulling user data from the Joomla database...

(I am using a github pull from yesterday)

Best regards,

the sql error is fixed in the joomla3 branch now (at github) - please note though that it can only record the user id as we don't allow for joins across databases.

If you only need to record the user name then you can do that by using a hidden field with eval turned on and a default value of :

return JFactory::getUser()->get('name');
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