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I have a registration form where there's Bank Account field element on it.

Is there any way to send the bank account to another table but the username, password etc still in joomla user table ?

The point is,
- i want the user to register their bank account
- the user will be able to add more than 1 bank account
- i need to call their bank account on other form using dropdown element

this will be used as a payment confirmation

as far as i do, i have create the registration form, payment confirmation form, profile edit.
Is there any way to send the bank account to another table but the username, password etc still in joomla user table ?

Yes, but you probably don't want to store it in two tables, that's asking for trouble in terms of syncing and security.

If they can register more than 1 bank account I think you are better of creating a repeated join. For security purposes it's better to have this data in a seperate table.
I get the idea, repeated group might be the solution.

So is there anyway when the user submit the registration form, the bank_account row from joomla user database also update to bank_account row in my new table ?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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