Using search brings up page but no data in field

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New Member
I have a report and search system using fabrik that I'm working on.

I create the report, it saves into the database. I go to the search page and look up the report by the exact name and it brings me to the list, as it should, but then just shows a checkbox next to a blank box without any information in it.


I do another search, this time with no information in any of the search fields and it brings up the list again, this time with numerous checkboxes down a line, with no information in the boxes next to them, so I'm assuming it's finding the data, but is not displaying correctly for some reason.

It also shows this error on top of the list:

Notice: Undefined index: key in /home/johnwi6/public_html/prism/components/com_fabrik/models/listfilter.php on line 758


I have also noticed that the upper checkbox has no information as to what it does, and yet it is the select all checkbox. When you click it, it gives you an editing box with a delete button, but the delete button is not labeled, but when you hover your mouse over it, it does bring up the little notifier underneath the mouse saying "delete".

Still need help on this matter. I am a little concerned as to the two week wait time on some responses here. While my current projects don't have any very serious deadlines, being able to complete these projects in a timely manner would help a lot, thus the reason I subscribed.
I've also run the most recent updated files into the page on this one to see if that fixed it, it seems whatever the problems were, it may have fixed most of them as the list now appears when I run a search.

However, there are a new set of errors on my analysis page. As well as a few buttons above the reports still have no graphic of any sort to show what they are, they look invisible.


Seems you've found the element's "Show in list".

To get a better layout you can edit your list, set template to bootsrap (Layout) and "Render buttons as" to "Inline" (Links).

Fabrik3.1 is ALPHA, so you shouldn't use it on a production site.
Seems you've found the element's "Show in list".

To get a better layout you can edit your list, set template to bootsrap (Layout) and "Render buttons as" to "Inline" (Links).

Fabrik3.1 is ALPHA, so you shouldn't use it on a production site.

Hi Troester,

My concern isn't with production value, this current project which I'm using this on is an alpha test of the site, only I have access to it. My concern is with the timeframe responses to reports seem to take. I can understand a busy staff, but the responses being two weeks apart is a bit rough.

My other site that I am using Fabrik for, is in fact a live production site, however the use of Fabrik is minimal and only using working portions of it at this moment and so it's not a big concern at this time.
I've updated to this morning's fixes and the division by zero problem is gone, still having the button issues though.
try updating again - i've altered the way buttons are rendered in the list.

Also it looks like you were initially using the blue sky template. All of the templates except for the bootstrap ones are there for people wanting to use Fabrik 3.1 on a Joomla 2.5 site.
If you are using Joomla 3 then its best to use the bootstrap provided templates. I know that's not obvious at the moment, I've just committed some changes to split fabrik30x and 31 templates apart so if you are in Joomla3 you see only the bootstrap templates. This may mean you need to edit and save any forms/lists.
Whoops, wrote this thinking I was on the other topic. Edited to fit.

I must have missed an update, I have updated and everything does seem to be in order related to the report in this topic. Thanks!
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