what does this error mean


New Member
I am in test stage and entering first record fine but when I enter second record (press submit button) I got this error I wonder if someone can comment and tell me problem

thank you for taking time to reply.


Duplicate entry \'\' for key 1 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_fabrik_formdata_2 ( `fabrik_internal_id`,`time_date`,`pr_name`,`pr_start`,`pr_end`,`pr_partners`,`pr_aims`,`pr_activities`,`pr_suporganization`,`pr_contact`,`pr_address`,`pt_conttel`,`pr_contfax`,`pt_email`,`pr_web` ) VALUES ( \'\',\'2009-03-12 19:33:21\',\'Test2\',\'2009-03-17 00:00:00\',\'\',\'the names of project partners are\',\' the project objectives are\',\'the project activities are\',\'British Embassy\',\'John Game\',\'Str Str 23 / 2 Ottawa On Canada\',\'312 123 1234\',\'312 123 1235\',\'info@tpg-net.com\',\'www.test.com\' )
Sounds like you don't have a primary key set. Go to the Table admin, under the Data tab, make sure the Primary Key is set to 'id' (or whatever label it shows for fabrik_internal_id), and that it is set to auto-increment.

If that isn't the problem, are you running on a Windows platform with MySQL 5? If that's the case, you'll need to turn 'strict mode' off in MySQL. Google around for "windows mysql strict mode" for instructions on doing that.

-- hugh

Thank you for taking time to reply. No, id and auto increment were selected. I just checked phpmyadmin, id was blank for the first record. I just compared a working other installation, on this one order by id was selected and the one I have problem was not. I just set oder by id check phpmyadmin screen for fabrik_formdata_x suddenly the blank id had a number in it.

?t is ok now. But id and auto incrementwere not blame only I set order by to id.

Thanks again.

Strange. The 'order by' has nothing to do with saving data, we don't even look at that setting when saving data, only when rendering a table.

It is possible that simply the act of saving the table details fixed some lurking issue with the parameters.

Anyway, as long as it's working ...

-- hugh
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