Wiki content

The display of child pages was missing (there may be more of these, I assume the default has changed in the new software). The WIKI text itself is > 10 years old and I assume the links were not working since long ago.
Are you able to edit WIKI and see these options below?

I think we also have to add some custom CSS but we have to find out where.
(Nobody showed up on our request for XenForo experts;), so we are glad to get it running at all)

I can't see the options when editing. But now I see the subpages on top (can't remember, they were there in the past):

Even if the content is old at the moment, better than nothing :)
Sub-pages and side nav added for all WIKI pages (as it was in F3). Styling is an extra point.

The sub-pages in the old WIKI were also on top of the page but styled as link list, not shown as "sub-pages" or so.

For finding WIKI pages etc.:
WIKI "Pages" will show you an alphabetical index (including the sub-page structure).
"Search" (top right in the forum) will show a Everywhere/WIKI select if you are in the WIKI.