With 2 forms on the same page, both with checkboxes, ajax validation and submission are broken


Hello dear Fabrik community!

We have a serious bug here. Issue has been tested and confirmd on Joomla builds 3.3.6+ and Fabrik builds 3.3.1+. Only checkbox field type is affected.

Form fields instant ajax validation (after field looses focus) is broken when we have 2 or more forms on the same page if:

Both forms containing checkbox fields


Both forms option "Ajax validation" is set to: Yes


Both form submition type "Ajaxify" is set to: Yes

Validation and submission are broken in the first form in DOM while in the second form input field disappears after submission.

Browser console output:
TypeError: window[el[0]] is not a constructor   form.js:652:16

And after some idle time another ouput in a console:
Error: Load timeout for modules: element/checkbox/checkbox
http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout   jquery.min.js line 2 > eval:8:252
Empty string passed to getElementById().

Browser points to the string in form.js:
var oEl = new window[el[0]](el[1], el[2]);
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Seems like it is a conflict between form.js and bootstrap.min.js.
This bug is affecting Fabrik builds: 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3/ and Joomla 3 builds: 3.3.6+
I have recorded a short video reproducing this issue. Pls, have a look.
I have tried latest github builds with no lack.
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I can replicate this, its pretty odd, in that one of the form's is not including the checkbox code - hence the js errors. I will continue investigating as to why that is
Thank you, Rob! Greate work. With latest commit this issue is gone.
Forms are validated and submitions works.

But JS warning appears in a browser console every time I click on a checkbox:

Empty string passed to getElementById().
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