0 Call to a member function getFullName() on boolean

Which exact Joomla, Fabrik, php version?
Check if you have e.g. custom code (list/form plugins, validation conditions etc) and unpublished or trashed elements belonging to the list/form which is creating this error.
I concur with troester that we need far more information about this in order to be able to help.

Is this a php or javascript error? Is there any more information with this error message than you have posted (like a call stack or similar)?

Can you narrow it down to a specific element?
Hi, my php versión is 7.0.27, Joomla version: 3.8.6, Fabrik version: 3.8.1

Error appear in Related Data. It was working fine. I deleted 2 rows in Related data list and the error appear

This list open fine without related it . But when I related it appear the error.

I don't have any validation or any custom code in the elements.

Other list in related data, open fine. Only one list has problems.

How Can I fix this issue?

What are you doing when you get the error? Opening a form, submitting a form, opening a list, etc?

Can you enable Joomla debug, and set your error reporting level to maximum in the J! global config, and see if it tells you a file and line nuimber for the error.

-- hugh